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4 questions to be more authentic
With the confidence to be authentic in all areas of life, anything is possible. But how can we practice being authentic more often?
Journaling prompts: confident decision making
Each month I host a free ' Journaling for well-being ' workshop. It's 30 minutes of support and inspiration for your journaling practice....
Journaling prompts: focus on you
Each month I host a free ' Journaling for well-being ' workshop. It's 30 minutes of support and inspiration for your journaling practice....
Ideas to help you reflect on your year
Reflection gives us the opportunity to see things we may otherwise have missed. Here are six ways you can reflect on the year gone by.
Confidence isn't fixed - reflection exercises to build your confidence
Building confidence is a journey - it isn't fixed or constant but ebbs and flows through life experiences. Try these reflection exercises.
Journaling prompts: removing the responsibility of people pleasing
Each month I host a free ' Journaling for well-being ' workshop. It's 30 minutes of support and inspiration for your journaling practice....
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