Journaling prompts: getting comfortable with discomfort
blog and news
A well-being MOT for Mental Health Awareness Week
The impact of quality conversations on relationships: Exploring the connection
5 ways to get 'unstuck'
'The Gold In You' - A one day event
Journaling for well-being: lessons from nature
Navigating the 5 stages of change
8 ways to practice a more positive mindset
Mastering self-compassion
5 ways to tune into your intuition
Boundaries - one thing to consider before you start
A technique to build your resilience
'Dear diary' - why do I write?
Taking extra kindness and compassion in to the New Year
Defining your well-being goals
Re-connect to your well-being in 2021
A time to reflect
Rest your mind - ways to help you get space
Ideas to help you recognise your own stress
Hunker down in turbulent times - ways to look after yourself.